Saturday, 18 August 2012

Return of the Scallywags: Part II

   July 20, 2012
           ..and indeed our paths would cross again, at Kellys bar window sessions on this Friday night. It's called the window sessions for obvious reasons; the stage is set up behind four large windows at the front of the bar, this way passer byers get a live glimpse of the action. Like many other Irish pubs, if ya like what you hear then you can walk on in for a free show. The house was packed this night and the Scallywags were bumpin’ so I wanna say many people did just that.
           To truly understand the depth of this Irish band I knew I needed to witness them at an actual venue. Dim lit Kelly’s with their shaky hardwood floor and ground level stage was the perfect spot to do so. The amount of energy they brought to such an intimate venue was contagious; everyone caught the jive bug this night, including a group of girls celebrating their friend’s 27th birthday. The Scallywags played an impromptu song for the birthday girl that included lyrics like, “To show you I care, I’ll kill a koala bear, (and) if you don't take me out I'll sell drugs to girl scouts". Brilliant.
           As the show went on, I realized you couldn’t possibly clump this band into one genre. If I had to guess, I would call them a mixture of alternative rock, blue grass, folk and a label I once heard a person describe them as; storytelling. The versatility in their gig was impressive to say the least. At one point they even covered a punk rock band from Belfast. The following video captures that song. 
           The Scallywags taught me that where ever in the world you travel good music is out there, you just have to find it. Better yet, stumble up on it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey mR. Pennsylvania, This is Mikey from the Scallywags, a friend of mine sent me to your blog today and i was happy to read about our three chance encounters and would like to thank you for your kind words about our music. We are currewntly working on our debut album. Our Ep recorded last year has had some success in the blogger sphere and national press and we hope that the release of our single might bring some more attention. for all we know we may get a fourth encounter with you in pensylvania, if this happens we will be sure to let you know, until then thanks for your interest in the band and stay posted with us on facebook or at All the best, Mikey
